a fairy tale..


in this ordinary life. i live my days and i dream through my nights. i try to be happy no matter what happens. i smile and i cry. i laugh and i shed some tears from time to time. life is full of happiness and sadness. simply bittersweet.

i always have mak and ayah by my side. i have my two brothers to argue with and i love them with all my heart. i have friends and colleagues to share everything. some i trust so much. yet my heart yearns for that specific feeling. i waits for that special someone. i crave but i keep on living life.

i have a life. i have learnt so much and tired of studying. i have been working 24-7 like that is all that matter in the world. i went out and see the world. i experience and feel as much as i can. suddenly. in the middle of my own created chaos i found my fairy tale.

now. waiting for my little one growing ionside of me to come into this world. with Allah’s permission, insyaAllah…

i …

I have aims. I have ambitions. I have dreams. I hope too much. I wish. I pray. I want to reach the moon. I want to be among the stars. I want to be brighter than the sun. If only I am a super woman. Maybe then I can achieve all in this life. All for those I love dearly. For they are my heart and soul..

solat dhuha..

i read one status on fb this morning that make me all excited… 😀

Solat Dhuha – Magnet Rezeki
yang sukar menjadi mudah…..
yang lambat menjadi cepat….
yang jauh menjadi dekat…
yang sedikit menjadi banyak…
yang hilang akan diganti…

By authey Posted in Deen


life is hard.so many ups and downs.we made good decisions and we did many mistakes.we learnt from experience and we got to keep moving on.stop and look back for a while.then take baby steps to be a better person.
kerana cinta terlalu dekat dengan kita.kadang-kadang kita tidak ambil peduli.semoga kita bahagia dan membahagiakan.selama diberi kesempatan dalam sisa hayat ini.iAllah..


wake up with a smile.know that i’m with u..
breakfast with a smile.know that i love eating with u..
go to work with a smile.know that i pray the best for u..
lunch with a smile.know that i look forward to dine with u..
finish up work with a smile.know that our home sweet home is waiting for u..
work out with a smile.know that i like to exercise with u..
dinner with a smile.know that everything is cooked just for u..
rest with a smile.know that the best for me is being with u..
sleep with a smile.know that i never let loneliness get to u..

smile dear love.smile..

will everything remain the same…?

love. health. wealth. happiness..
will all the sweetness last forever…?

hatred. sickness. poverty. sadness..
will all the bitterness last forever…?

are there possibilities for sweetness to turn out bitter…?

are there possibilities for bitterness to turn out sweet…?

will everything change…?


will everything remain the same…?


ubati hati..

Berkata seorang ulama, Ibrahim Al- Khawas RA: “Sesungguhnya ubat hati itu ada lima perkara, maka ubatilah hati kamu dengan lima perkara tersebut. Pertamanya, bacalah Al-Quran dengan menghayati isi kandunganya. Kedua mengosongkan perut dari terlalu kenyang atau berpuasa. Ketiga, bangun(beribadat) di waktu malam. Keempat menghampirkan diri kepada Allah(beribadat) di sepertiga malam dan yang kelimanya, sentiasa bersama-sama di dalam majlis orang-orang yang soleh.”

ceramah agama..

alhamdulillah.this evening i am blessed to be given this first experience to attend an islamic talk or ceramah agama with my beloved husband at a nearby mosque. i have attended many ceramah agama before but as husband and wife, this is our first time. ustaz azhar idrus will give the ceramah after maghrib prayer.. 🙂
bismillah. may constant reminder and continuous religious advice keep our feet on the ground. may we stay true. iAllah.. ❤
p/s:thank u my beloved mother in law for the info. i am happy that we are in this knowledgeable event together.alhamdulillah.. 🙂