ubati hati..

Berkata seorang ulama, Ibrahim Al- Khawas RA: “Sesungguhnya ubat hati itu ada lima perkara, maka ubatilah hati kamu dengan lima perkara tersebut. Pertamanya, bacalah Al-Quran dengan menghayati isi kandunganya. Kedua mengosongkan perut dari terlalu kenyang atau berpuasa. Ketiga, bangun(beribadat) di waktu malam. Keempat menghampirkan diri kepada Allah(beribadat) di sepertiga malam dan yang kelimanya, sentiasa bersama-sama di dalam majlis orang-orang yang soleh.”

ceramah agama..

alhamdulillah.this evening i am blessed to be given this first experience to attend an islamic talk or ceramah agama with my beloved husband at a nearby mosque. i have attended many ceramah agama before but as husband and wife, this is our first time. ustaz azhar idrus will give the ceramah after maghrib prayer.. 🙂
bismillah. may constant reminder and continuous religious advice keep our feet on the ground. may we stay true. iAllah.. ❤
p/s:thank u my beloved mother in law for the info. i am happy that we are in this knowledgeable event together.alhamdulillah.. 🙂

celebrating the day i found you..

love story



i thank Allah for the day i know u.i thank Allah for love that starts n keep growing in our heart.i thank Allah for being ur wife.i thank Allah for U.this date.i celebrate us.i love u my dear.. ♥